Jessica is Marie Claries’ August 2017 cover girl and the accompanying photoshoot, by Txema Yeste, are simply stunning.
Jessica talks about her career challenges
I have challenges standing up for myself sometimes. Times when I don’t trust my own voice. And that’s the stuff I needed to bring out and explore to understand Cora. It’s like looking at your shit. You’re like, Right. Of course, that’s what would come up, because that’s what I’m dealing with right now – all my own insecurities. They come right up to my face.
“It’s like a drug, like an adrenaline rush. There’s a real catharsis. At the end of the day, when you have a scene when you’re really looking at your own stuff and engaging with in this way, you’re exhausted, you are free; you feel a lot of different things. But more often than not, I think you feel good – like you’ve moved from something. For me, it’s like a rebirth. Like I’m a phoenix rising up out of the ashes.
Jessica talks about Donald Trump
This is just where we are, and I just really, really, really want all the good work that’s been done for women and women’s rights and the environment to not get turned around.
Jessica talks about Silas
There is lot of singing and dancing in the kitchen with Silas. We do that all the time. His current favorite song is “The Sound Of Silence”. It’s sound kind of creepy but it’s on the “Trolls” Soundtrack. Silas will request it, so Justin [ Timberlake ] will sing the harmony, and I’ll sing the melody, and it’s like this very foreboding melancholic thing…and he just loves it.